I have found worry beads very effective in helping me manage my anxiety and depression. When I first discovered them, I tried to find some scientific research to help me understand how they worked. Lots of hunting through the internet yielded very little, so I gave up. As part of my plan to get the message out, how effective worry beads are at managing modern day stress, I have been contacting mental health charities. One has responded to me asking for some scientific research to back up their use. There support would be incredible, so armed with this motivator, I went back to the internet. This is what I came up with. These links have been sent to them, but I also thought others might be interested.
You will notice that worry beads are not the reason for the research, however hand kinetics is very much a field alive and developing. I will continue to look for research and include them in further worry beads blogs.
Please let me know what you think?