Charles Middleburgh is a regular customer of ours and he has been “caught in the act” by professional photographer Zoe Norfolk during a formal dinner. Charles like most customers started with our standard range of worry beads but for his last half a dozen sets he has been asking for different levels of customisation. The set he… Continue Reading
Living with Asperger’s Syndrome and Worry Beads
One of the toughest things with Asperger’s is being faced with something that is new to you. Most people will have heightened stress levels when trying something new but with Asperger’s the stress level is far higher and even minor changes to your routine will send your stress levels “sky rocketing”. An example of this happened… Continue Reading
Stainless Steel Chain with Worry Beads
This discovery was like finding a “Million Pound Note” in my back pocket. That said I am not bothered about money but what this discovery means is that I can now produce worry beads that are almost indestructible. The kangaroo leather I wrote about in a previous blog is incredibly tough but merely the word… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
At last I have done it! A few weeks ago I decided to list English Worry Beads on Amazon. I had been putting it off as I suspected it was going to be highly stressful. Boy was I right. I can cope with lots of actions needed to get a listing but what I can’t… Continue Reading
Flying with Worry Beads
Several people have suggested to me that worry beads might be an effective distraction for nervous flyers. I had not seriously thought of this until after my parent’s renewal of their vows at St Paul’s Cathedral. The chaplain stopped for a few minutes to pass the time with us. She mentioned that she was sorting… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads – Update 11
For those who also suffer from anxiety and depression you will probably get anxious whenever you go to the doctors. I have a fantastic doctor who is very supportive however, I still find myself getting anxious. I suppose it is the unknown of what they might say and how it might affect my life. I want to… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads – Update 10
In Update 9 I told of my trip to St Paul’s Cathedral for my parents to re-new their vows. It was a stressful day not just for the things that happened but also it made me remember back to my childhood. As part of the celebrations my parents also booked for the whole family, grandchildren… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads – Update 8
I do not have a particular story to share in this blog. What I wish to cover is my “Anxiety and Depression” maintenance kit that I always have on me. It has been some time now since I discovered that worry beads can be an excellent distraction when I feel myself becoming anxious but also… Continue Reading
Teenage Hormones and Worry Beads
Anyone who has passed through puberty will have stories told to them of how they were very moody when they were in their teens. For those of us who are in their mature years will have stories but there was never any explanation apart from you were sometimes a horrible child! Nowadays the medical community and parents… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads – Update 6
An invite to a friend’s 50th birthday dinner was a very nice thing to look forward to. I don’t go out much as I become anxious in a strange environment and around people I don’t know. I do still undertake this sort of thing however I do need to make some mental preparations. For this particular outing… Continue Reading