I do not have a particular story to share in this blog. What I wish to cover is my “Anxiety and Depression” maintenance kit that I always have on me. It has been some time now since I discovered that worry beads can be an excellent distraction when I feel myself becoming anxious but also… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads – Update 7
This is the saga of “Dad’s Walking Stick”. In my Update 6 I told of how I managed to use an image of my worry beads in my head to diffuse an anxiety attack. This saga shows how effective this technique has come on. It starts with my parents almost achieving 60 years of marriage. To celebrate this my… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads – Update 6
An invite to a friend’s 50th birthday dinner was a very nice thing to look forward to. I don’t go out much as I become anxious in a strange environment and around people I don’t know. I do still undertake this sort of thing however I do need to make some mental preparations. For this particular outing… Continue Reading