I discovered worry beads a few years ago, trying them out as a joke to start with, until I saw the benefits, and now they are far from that. This is one in a series of blogs in which I share my life experiences where worry beads have made a huge difference to my life. … Continue Reading
A New Type of Worry Beads
One of the commitments we have made to our customers is to continue to develop new objects to “twiddle” with so that you do not get bored with your worry beads and you can maximise their benefits. In the same vein as the 1Pear (fribble) the next type of worry beads also does not have… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
Having mental health issues does not preclude yourself from physical ailments and after a year long wait I arrived at the day I was having a pain blocker put in my back as I have arthritis in my spine. Like most people I do not relish the thought of visiting a hospital, unfortunately the pain… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
For 18 years I have had to manage severe anxiety and depression but in the last couple of years I have used worry beads as an addition to my control mechanisms. One of my main issues is where “what is right” does not happen because of some personal agenda someone has. I have spent many… Continue Reading
Worry Beads Help but NOT the Sole Answer
I want to share what happened last weekend and how using worry beads got me through it. It was a family gathering with my parents, brother and sister. My parents are in their eighties and my brother is three years older than me, my sister a year younger. I have been attending workshops for my… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
For those of you who have read my previous posts you might have wondered why I had stopped writing them. The simple answer is I write them when I have to use my worry beads as I find myself in a “bad place”. For me now with constant use of worry beads all the little… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
I mentioned in my last blog that in addition to my anxiety and depression I have also been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. One of the key issues for me is that I cannot stand by and see injustice. I therefore find myself in all sorts of battles that any normal person would not get involved… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
I have a story to share with you that many will not believe, in fact I am not sure if I would believe it! When people see our worry beads they are surprised how nice they are even though many of them have seen pictures. We therefore decided that we need to get ourselves and… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
I am going through a unique experience for me at the moment. I know my depression is really bad. Not that I am having negative thoughts, I have those all the time, but I feel so lethargic. When I wake in the morning I just don’t want to open my eyes and my body feels… Continue Reading
Living with Anxiety, Depression and Worry Beads
For those of you that pay attention to the dates of my posts you will have noticed that I have not updated this diary of events when I have used worry beads to control my illness for some time. This is because there has not been a major event when I feel compelled to take… Continue Reading