My name is Kevin and I have severe anxiety and depression. I was diagnosed 18 years ago however I cannot remember ever not having depression. I have tried many drugs and therapies and am able to cope most of the time. Worry beads were something that I knew existed but had not got around to investigating until Christmas 2014. I asked for one of each type; a Komboloi (traditional set of Greek worry beads) and a Begleri (a mini set normally used to do tricks). Within a week of starting to play with them I felt different, better. I am not saying I was cured but if you have anxiety and/or depression you know there are times when it is less hard to cope.
I wanted to learn more so that I could possibly improve on what I was experiencing. To my amazement there is very little. I decided at that point that I would do something about it. If I could feel better in some way then others could do as well. If I had known how they would help me I would have tried them many years ago.
So what I am going to do?
My plan is fourfold:
- Write this diary/blog recording when I have used worry beads, what I did and how they affected me
- Ask for others to comment on my diary and perhaps submit their own experiences
- Design worry beads that improve on the “tourist” worry beads that are available
- Research if there has been any scientific studies into the affect of worry beads. By understanding the way in which they benefit I can create worry beads that maximise the benefits.
I do hope you will follow me on my voyage of discovery and perhaps find help from what I do.
The English Worry Bead Co