This was probably the biggest challenge I have had since starting to use worry beads. Since designing the new worry beads I have been taking feedback from family and friends and it has been invaluable. We decided that we should research a broader audience and there is no better way than at a car boot sale. A chance to show the product to a large number of people in a very small amount of time. A friend, who is a fellow sufferer and user, agreed to come with me. She has vast experience in sales and service environments unlike me who has never done selling in his life.
I awoke the morning of the car boot exactly as you would expect for someone who is completely and utterly out of their comfort zone, really stressed, pulse racing and feeling quite ill. I knew I had to do something as I was trying to find reasons as to why I did not have to do the car boot. I took up my 2Pear worry beads and did my usual trick really slowly, watching the wooden pear as it turned over my hand. Slowly but surely I calmed and logic kicked in. I could at last think logically and I remember thinking what was the worst that could happen. My mobile then buzzed to say there was an incoming text. It was my friend with a message of support. She knew I was going to be under pressure and the text added to my calm securing a mind-set that enabled me to get up and prepare for the day’s activities. The car was loaded and I still felt fine, the calming I had done whilst still in bed with my worry beads has stuck.
I had only been to the village where the car boot was taking place once before but I was confident I knew the way. I knew the way all the time up to the point when I became lost. I could feel my heart rate rise so cast my mind back to the calm I had experienced whilst using my worry beads that morning. Logic returned to me once more and I decided to drive in the rough direction until I recognised a location on a road sign. This proved the right course of action and I got back on track.
I arrived with five minutes to spare, perfect, and my friend was already there waiting for me. After a 45 minute wait we were ushered onto the field. My heart started to race again but I was committed. Fifteen minutes later we were set up. What in theory I knew I could cope with was not the fact in reality. My friend noticed my anguish and told me to sit for a while and she would talk to passes by. I took out my 2Pear worry beads and started to do tricks. I had planned to do this as a demonstration but if I am honest I was using them because I needed to. It did not take long before they began to work and the odd person noticed I was doing something different. My friend was great she could start a conversation with anyone. It really showed the difference between a natural and a complete amateur.
The time passed really quickly and stalls started to pack up around us. We had learnt lots and I had broken my duck. I had also once again been rescued from myself just by using my worry beads to calm me down so that logic could come into play. If you have had to face a stressful situation and used worry beads to help you I would love to hear from you. If you would like to add a comment please do so.
The English Worry Bead Co.