In Update 9 I told of my trip to St Paul’s Cathedral for my parents to re-new their vows. It was a stressful day not just for the things that happened but also it made me remember back to my childhood. As part of the celebrations my parents also booked for the whole family, grandchildren as well, to have a meal at a country house hotel. I was not looking forward to it, although I had escaped undamaged from the St Paul’s trip my thoughts were driven back to my past and the negative parts of the trip.
I know what to do in these circumstances, keep busy so that my thoughts are on other things. I have nearly 20 years of practice in handling anxiety and can throw myself obsessively into work or other activities. I was therefore highly successful, and whenever I started to think about things I would react immediately.
All this success, but no mention of how worry beads had helped me? Both on the web site and in my blogs I talk about the conscious and sub-conscious mind. I have had no formal training on this subject but it is cases like this where I know there is a difference. I was doing really well and getting lots of work done. Everything was going to plan until I was just taking a break from doing something and noticed my hands were shaking. I was thinking about work, and in a positive way, why were my hands shaking? I carried on working and tried to ignore the physical symptoms I was experiencing. It was getting late and I was called to dinner.
After dinner I sat down to relax and noticed that the shakes were still there. I did not feel anxious and was certainly not thinking of anything stressful. The trouble was, the longer I could not stop the shaking the worst they became. This was mad, I was creating anxiety from nothing!! Time for my worry beads. I wanted to watch whatever was on TV so I got out my 1Pear (mini) and started to fiddle and enjoy the program. Time flew by and my anxiety popped back into my head. But what anxiety, my hands no longer shook and I had not thought anymore about it. The worry beads had been an activity that distracted my hands from what my sub-conscious mind was doing to them and I had got through it.
I do not understand how sub-conscious thoughts work but there was definitely something that was making my hands shake, it was not the things in my thoughts so it must have been my sub-conscious. As a preventative measure over the next few days, if I did not have my hands in use I had a set of worry beads in them. I have now got through the meal out and will now try and look forward. Typing this blog will act as my closer for this and I feel proud of myself for getting through a difficult time.
If you would like to make a comment please do so. If you have a similar story where worry beads have helped you please email me so that I might share it with others.
The English Worry Bead Co.