I think I know what has happened. I have been looking forward to the web site going live and the launch of the business for weeks and now it has happened my anxiety and depression are bad. It is the same with anything I look forward to. I love cars and driving but every time I change cars however much I have wanted the new car I feel a huge void. I do have suicidal thoughts but know that is not an option because I have two children. I could not do it to them. So this morning I am in trouble again.
I am going to have a swim later as exercise does help. I always “go for it” and exercise hard so as to boost the good chemicals in my body. The trouble is I can’t do that all the time. When I woke up this morning I took my 1Pear worry beads off the bed side table and started fiddling. I know by sharing how I feel is going to make me worst but I have a plan! I am going to get dressed, have breakfast and make myself up a new set of 1Pear from scratch. I know I will need to make several decisions as to what type of wood and stones so I will have to think about that and not negative things. Off the top of my head I shall keep some of the stones off the set I and looking at now and perhaps make up a mixed set. I haven’t done this before so it will be interesting to see what they look like.
It has given me an idea though. Why not sell kits with a selection of wooden pears and several types of stones. By giving a long length of leather cord users could make up and break up sets when they need a massive distraction. I would welcome your views.
This is dangerous for me to be thinking about my depression so I am going to sign off now and start my plan.
The English Worry Bead Co