I mentioned in my last blog that in addition to my anxiety and depression I have also been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. One of the key issues for me is that I cannot stand by and see injustice. I therefore find myself in all sorts of battles that any normal person would not get involved with. One such battle is shortly to reach a climax with a meeting on Friday. Another feature of Asperger’s is an obsessive nature, which in many circumstances is a benefit but where there is a strong negative situation it means I cannot get the negatives out of my head. This has resulted in me being extremely anxious all of the time and my thoughts completely dominated by bad scenarios being played out in the forthcoming meeting. I am using my worry beads to help me relax and to distract me.
I feel it is important that I share with you what effect using the worry beads has had. As a distraction they have failed miserably. This highlights that worry beads should never be regarded as the answer to all situations. I am having a very uncomfortable time with both bad symptoms of my anxiety and depression driven by the continuous obsession with what will happen in the meeting. Other previous meetings have resulted in surprises where the other party has become more devious about ways in which to get their way. The worry beads may not have managed to distract my thoughts however I have been faced with similar situations before I found worry beads so I know what used to happen. Previously the negative thoughts would raise my heart rate and I would stumble from one anxiety attack to another in an endless stream. Whilst I still struggle to get the obsessive thoughts from my head the worry bead use has kept me calm. As I type this I can confirm that I feel most peculiar. I know I should not be able to function and on occasion over the last few weeks I have not been able to, but I am writing this and I am calm.
Whilst my worry beads have not been 100% effective I can report another huge benefit over and above that of being calm. What comes with calm is an ability to think. For the first time in many years I can live through the obsessive thoughts but can use my calm reason to work out solutions to potential scenarios I may be faced with in the meeting. I know that through my discovery of using worry beads I will not be better equipped to handle this difficult meeting.
I am an extreme example of how worry beads manage my mind however the same benefits can be achieved for people who have a stressful event coming up but they do not have my issues. By using worry beads to relax and when completely calm tackle the preparation to a difficult meeting. you will amaze yourself how well you think through the issues and prepare potential solutions. Just prior to the meeting also take 10 minutes to calm yourself. this will ensure maximum recall of your preparation.
The English Worry Bead Co.